1. name of the person , date of birth, eventually death
2. short description of the person's life (childhood, education etc.)
3. the greatest works, achievemnets, important facts.
Here are some examples of our works.
Orlando Bloom
Actor Orlando Bloom was born in
Canterbury, England on January 13, 1977. When he was four years old his father
(Harry) died. At age 16 with his mother (Sonia) and older sister (Samantha) moved
to London. There joined the National Youth Theatre, spending two seasons there
and gaining a scholarship to train with the British American Drama Academy. He
acted in British television shows. He then attended the Guildhall School of
Music and Drama. It was there, in 1998, there Orlando fell from the second
floor and broke his back. Fortunately, he quickly recovered and returned to the
by Wiktoria
Krzysztof Penderecki
Krzysztof Penderecki was born in 1933 in Dębica in Poland.
He has a wife Elizabeth and 3 kids: Beata, Luke, Dominika.
He is a contemporary Polish music composer, conductor and educator.
He finished state music college. He began his great international career with the performance Strof
during the festival „Warsaw autumn” in 1959. He began the career as a conductor leading many great orchestras and performing both his tracks as well as great classical repertoire. In 1961 International Rostrum of Composers UNESCO in Paris distinguished him for Threnody for the Victims of Hiroshima. In 1966 in remembrance of 700th anniversary cathedral in Münster Penderecki composed one of the masterpieces- Passion according to St. Luke.

by Maciek
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